Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Small achievements

The week just gone included a(nother) new job and three late Eurovision-filled nights in a row. I was feeling tired and down on myself for not having done all the things that had piled up over the last two months.

Until I realised that I had achieved some small victories. The printer's tray I bought at the Sydney Show, for instance. I found a home for it. And managed to buy a hook to hang it from (let's hope the real estate agents aren't reading this: I've stopped counting the number of illegal picture hooks I've put up over the past 16 years...)
View of a front hallway from the stairs, showing a vintage printer's box hanging on the wall behind the door.
I even picked out a few things to start the process of filling it...
Vintage printer's tray with five cream-coloured miniatures displayed inside.
 With Margell School sitting on the dining table, it's in the perfect spot for me to give it some attention while I wait for the kettle to boil. So, in five minute increments, it's been stripped back to this:
Inside view of an almost empty vintage miniature school.
(I still need to clean off the Blu Tack stains. And the blackboard)
View of an empty vintage miniature school from outside the windows, which have paper autumn leaves stuck on them.
I hope to start spending the weekends here and slowly work out what it wants...

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